STEM Sections

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Prepping for the New Year

Wow!  Where did the summer go?  Here it is, July 31, and the school year is right around the corner.  I can always tell when this time is approaching because my routine slightly changes.  Instead of being awake at 1:15AM playing Candy Crush or watching shows on my DVR, I find myself on my laptop with 12 tabs open, each showing a new lesson that I am contemplating on using.  I must admit that one of those tabs is usually - I hate surprises and have to know what is happening on that show at all times!  See!  I even got sidetracked writing this! 

Back to what I call the internet abyss.  Every teacher understands this phenomenon.  You begin by searching for something simple, such as "engineering activities for middle school," and before you know it you are looking at websites that are selling organizers for your classroom.  It reminds me of the game "Telephone" that we all played as a kid. 

This is the time of the year that is bittersweet.  I am sad that soon I will no longer have the option of deciding if I should change out of my pajamas or not, but I am excited about the upcoming school year.  It's so refreshing to start off the year with an organized desk, fresh copies, and a clean whiteboard.  The possibilities at this point are endless. 

Every year, my goal is to establish an innovative program or technique.  Last year, it was the school wide Shark Tank program and Science Olympiad.  This year I am going to have my students keep digital portfolios and write this blog.  While searching for activities, I have found that many times, a teacher will find something that sounds amazing, but in practice, it falls short.  It is my goal that, through this blog, I can share what is happening in my room and give the readers honest feedback.  It will also allow for me to use this as a reflection for upcoming years.  Stay tuned for more to come - I am off to see if Amber or Jacosta is going to be evicted.  :)

Here's to STEM!
Mrs. Giran